James Vann
James Vann's paintings vibrate with an exuberancethat is uniquely his own. He uses his mastery ofNeo-Cubism in the acrylic medium to share in thesoulful beauty of the traditional jazz musician andculture with-in.
- He has been commissioned by the Hillsborough County Arts Council in Tampa to paint murals in city buildings
- Art Instructor for Arts in Aging at the University of South Florida
- Art Instructor for The Life Enrichment Center, Tampa, FL
- One Man Show, Kotler Gallery of Fine Art, Tampa, FL
- One Man Show, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL
- One Man Show, University Of Tampa
- The African American Museum of Art, Tampa, FL
- The Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, FL
- Sun City Art League, Sun City Florida
James Vann was born in Brooklyn, New York.He states "I was first turned on to art in kindergarten, where I was introduced to finger painting. It was an eye opening experience I will never forget, watching colors change as they touched".
It was in Junior High School,that he was encouraged to enter and did win a Poster Contest "KEEP NEW YORK CITY CLEAN". His teachers urged him to try out for the High School of Art & Design, which he did and was accepted. There he studied Illustration, Commercial Art, and animation. After graduating from Art & Design, James enrolled in the United States Marine Corps and was honorably discharged after 4 years. James continued his art career enrolling at the Albert Pel's School of Art in NYC, there he studied commercial art & illustration.
James joined ranks with the New York City Department of Correction, becoming a New York City Correction Officer. In that position, he took the opportunity to give art instructions to inmates incarcerated on Rikers Island. His artistic talent did not go unrecognized by Department Commissioner's who attended his one man exhibit in Manhattan and liked what they saw, shortly after he was asked to take the position of Art Director for the Public Affairs Unit of the department. That position lasted for 21 years, before retiring and relocating to Tampa, Florida.